Quantum Computing

Simulating dirty bosons on a quantum computer

We simulate the physics of dirty bosons in 1D on quantum computer and in 2D on a quantum circuit simulator.

k-commutativity and measurement reduction for expectation values

In this paper, we introduce a notion of commutativity between operators on a tensor product space, nominally Pauli strings on qubits, that interpolates between qubit-wise commutativity and (full) commutativity.

A Performance Model for Estimating the Cost of Scaling to Practical Quantum Advantage

Presentation on performance model for cost analysis presented at the PMBS workshop at SC23.

A Performance Model for Estimating the Cost of Scaling to Practical Quantum Advantage

We present a model to estimate the resources in terms of qubits, runtime, and cost associated with large-scale quantum computations.

FunFact - Tensor Decomposition, Your Way

Talk on FunFact presented at ICIAM 2023 Conference in Tokyo, Japan.

Efficient Quantum Counting and Quantum Content-Addressable Memory for DNA similarity

Quantum content-addressable memory through Grover search and quantum counting with parallel uniformly controlled rotation gates.

HamLib: A library of Hamiltonians for benchmarking quantum algorithms and hardware

HamLib is an extensive dataset of qubit Hamiltonians spanning a large range of problem sizes and instances that is designed for testing quantum algorithms, software and hardware.

Estimating Eigenenergies from Quantum Dynamics: A Unified Noise-Resilient Measurement-Driven Approach

In this paper, we introduce a novel measurement-driven approach that finds eigenenergies by collecting real-time measurements and post-processing them using the machinery of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD).

Algebraic Compression of Free Fermionic Quantum Circuits: Particle Creation, Arbitrary Lattices and Controlled Evolution

We extend our circuit compression algorithms to free fermionic systems on arbitrary lattices, incorporate particle creation operations, and allow for controlled evolution.

Classical and Quantum Strategies to Boost Quantum Subspace Methods

Presentation on Quantum Subspace Methods at APS March Meeting 2023.