Quantum Computing

HamLib: A library of Hamiltonians for benchmarking quantum algorithms and hardware

HamLib is an extensive dataset of qubit Hamiltonians spanning a large range of problem sizes and instances that is designed for testing quantum algorithms, software and hardware.

Estimating Eigenenergies from Quantum Dynamics: A Unified Noise-Resilient Measurement-Driven Approach

In this paper, we introduce a novel measurement-driven approach that finds eigenenergies by collecting real-time measurements and post-processing them using the machinery of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD).

Algebraic Compression of Free Fermionic Quantum Circuits: Particle Creation, Arbitrary Lattices and Controlled Evolution

We extend our circuit compression algorithms to free fermionic systems on arbitrary lattices, incorporate particle creation operations, and allow for controlled evolution.

QCLAB++: Simulating Quantum Circuits on GPUs

We report a series benchmarks conducted in NERSC's Perlmutter system using a GPU adaptation of QCLAB++, a light-weight, fully-templated C++ package for quantum circuit simulations.

Exploring Finite Temperature Properties of Materials with Quantum Computers

This paper introduces a two-step protocol to prepare thermal pure quantum states on a quantum computer.

FABLE: Fast Approximate Quantum Circuits for Block-Encodings

Fast synthesis of quantum circuits for approximate block-encodings.

IEEE Quantum Week 2022

Talk on Fast Approximate Block-Encodings (FABLE) presented at IEEE Quantum Week 2022

XXI Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra

Talk on Fast Free Fermion Compiler at XXI Householder Symposium.

Quantum pixel representations and compression for N-dimensional images

We introduce a uniform framework for quantum pixel representations that encompasses many of the popular image representations proposed in the literature. We propose a novel circuit implementation with an efficient compression algorithm.

Algebraic Compression of Quantum Circuits for Hamiltonian Evolution

By analyzing the Hamiltonian algebra, we show that Trotter circuits for simulation of free fermions are efficiently compressible. Our method is applied to an adiabatic state preparation experiment.