Quantum Computing

Quantum-centric supercomputing for materials science: A perspective on challenges and future directions

This paper provides a review on quantum computing for computational problems in materials science and a perspective on the challenges to face in order to solve representative use cases, and new suggested directions.

Evaluation of the Classical Hardware Requirements for Large-Scale Quantum Computations

Presentation on a performance model for large-scale quantum computations at ISC High Performance 2024 in Hamburg.

Evaluation of the Classical Hardware Requirements for Large-Scale Quantum Computations

We develop a performance model to project the classical hardware requirements required for real-time decoding of large-scale quantum computations. Based on this model, we estimate that the equivalent of a petaflop-scale system will be required for real-time decoding of applications relavent to condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry.

False vacuum decay and nucleation dynamics in neutral atom systems

We study the dynamics of neutral atom systems in the false vacuum decay and annealing regimes.

Long-lived oscillations of false and true vacuum states in neutral atom systems

We study the dynamics of long-lived oscillations of false and true vacuum states in neutral atom systems.

Engineering quantum states with neutral atoms

We test the capabilities of the Aquila quantum simulator on a variety of tasks.

Explicit Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Certain Sparse Matrices

We provide explicit quantum circuits for the block encoding of certain sparse matrices.

Exploring the Lieb lattice phase diagram using Rydberg atom quantum simulators

Presentation on quantum phases in the Lieb lattice in neutral atom systems at APS March Meeting 2024.

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ions and transmons QPUs

This paper proposes a nested state preparation circuit construction with a high degree of quantum parallelism. We test this circuit to load a variety of data sets stemming from applications and process them directly on a real QPU.

Efficient Quantum Trace Estimation with Reconfigurable Real-Time Circuits

In this paper, we explore the use of real-time evolution for computing the trace of a broad class of operators, including matrix functions of the target Hamiltonian.